Garden retrospective
The summer of 2024 we gave the beds a rest.
- As planned, we gave our raised garden beds a rest from nightshades.
- Wet, wet, wet spring and early summer, followed by drought conditions.
2024 harvest by the numbers
- apples none (Hat Trick espalier, planted April 2021)
- berries birds beat us to the juneberries, a few strawberries and blueberries, about two gallons of raspberries
- cucumbers none planted
- herbs some transplants from last year in the bed
- peppers very few, a few in pots drown in early summer and never recovered
- tomatillos none
- tomatoes a few starts placed on lot line to take advantage of sun, left to their own without much attention, we did get some fruits
- radishes planted and grew well, but none for eating
- wheat wheatgrass as “green manure”
- green beans two gallons fresh and two cups dried beans
What went well
- Tomatoes directly in the ground did OK, considering they received very little attention
- Feral, volunteer red shiso created a nice thicket in the back
- Rhubarb was very happy this year
What went wrong
- Creeping bellflower battles continue
- Morning glory seeds turned out to be bindweed, so we battled that most of the summer, huge mistake
What did we learn
- It’s very hard to dig up all the creeping bellflower, even in a small area; continue to do the best we can and be sure to pull them before the go to seed
- Seed packets can be wrong, I think we’ll be fighting the bindweed for a long while now
How should next summer play out
- We had a garden consult for the back corner of our yard, we will use her plan for back corner
- Keep on the noxious weeds
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