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Create your Hello World🔗︎

You can't make a mistake. Anything that happens you can learn to use - and make something beautiful out of it. Let's put a touch more of the magic here. We want to use a lot pressure while using no pressure at all. I'm gonna add just a tiny little amount of Prussian Blue.

Do this thing🔗︎

function helloWorld(): void {
    console.log("Hello, World!");

// Usage example

Do this other thing🔗︎

Every time you practice, you learn more. Work on one thing at a time. Don't get carried away - we have plenty of time.

Do yet another thing🔗︎

Nothing's gonna make your husband or wife madder than coming home and having a snow-covered dinner.

Validate and pat yourself on the back🔗︎

You can create beautiful things - but you have to see them in your mind first. That's what painting is all about. It should make you feel good when you paint. Painting should do one thing. It should put happiness in your heart.